Randomised Bitcoin transaction broadcasting to break timing analysis (configured for testnet, further testing needed).


CoinJoin tools enable Bitcoin users to disassociate the past & future history of their bitcoin UTXOs (through a process called mixing). Users move their mixed coins to a secondary wallet for more secure storage (e.g. a Cold Wallet / Hardware wallet) and are potentially vulnerable to a timing attack whereby blockchain analysts cluster UTXO’s using timing information (if users move multiple mixed coins in a short time period).


txCast enables Bitcoin users to introduce a random and automated time delay between signed transaction broadcasts.


Users copy signed transactions from their wallet of choice and paste them into the terminal individually. They are prompted to enter the time delay which they are able to tolerate in minutes, hours and days.

Signed transactions are broadcast using the blockstream.info API over tor with IP addresses changing between each broadcast.


Install tor. These are the instructions for linux:

  1. sudo apt install tor
  2. sudo service tor start
  3. tor --hash-password test <- Don’t use test for mainnet
  4. edit /etc/tor/torrc & uncomment ControlPort 9051 HashedControlPassword 16:00000 <- Change this number to the output of step 3
  5. sudo service tor stop
  6. sudo service tor start
  7. Set password to the password you entered in Step 3 on line 12 of the code (password = "test")

Download the python script

Install following python packages:

  • requests to use the blockstream API to push transactions
  • Stem to use tor

Run the script with python3 txCast.py

Important Note: The Blockstream API may be infrequently used push transactions. I recommend waiting until after the 01 March 2020 before using this on mainnet to ensure multiple people are using it, thus transactions sent to the blockstream node using txCast are not likely the same user.



  • tor integration may not be robust. Should connection be refreshed in a different way? (Used this)
  • Not sure how well this deals with daylight saving time clock changes (time will jump) or how to best deal with this?
  • Configured for testnet (Must remove /testnet from blockstream url for mainnet, I recommend waiting till 01 March 2020 as explained above)
  • Using time delay to ensure new IP is used, could instead compare IP values.
  • Could use .onion site rather than clearnet (Blockstream endpoint)

Future Work:

  • Have this work with your own node if this is deemed advantageous (I expect that it is not given the use of tor here).
  • Have options for broadcasting when fees drop below some user set threshold / not broadcasting when fees go too high.
  • Have some check that transaction is confirmed, or at least seen by another node on the network (Use a second API).
  • Have options for running this with a GUI
  • Have this functionality added directly into wallets


See GitHub for latest version.

// Python code
# txCast by 6102bitcoin
# Schedule randomised Bitcoin transaction broadcasting to break timing analysis

import requests
import time
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from stem import Signal
from stem.control import Controller
import secrets

password = "test" # Change this to your tor password

tx_list = []
time_list = []
next_broadcast_time = ""

def get_current_ip():
    session = requests.session()

    # TO Request URL with SOCKS over TOR
    session.proxies = {}

        ip = session.get('http://httpbin.org/ip').text
        ip = ip.partition('\"origin\": \"')[2]
        ip = ip.rpartition('\"')[0] # Get only IP
    except Exception as e:
        return ip

def renew_tor_ip():
    with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
    time.sleep(secrets.SystemRandom().randint(15, 30)) # Ensure new IP used

def fuzz(exact_value, lower_limit_fraction, upper_limit_fraction):
    lower_limit = int(exact_value * lower_limit_fraction)
    upper_limit = int(exact_value * upper_limit_fraction)
    fuzzed_value = exact_value + secrets.SystemRandom().randint(lower_limit, upper_limit)
    return fuzzed_value

def build_lists():
    # Create randomly sorted list of transactions to broadcast:
    finished = False
    while not finished:
        tx_next = input('Enter Next Signed Transaction (Type X To END): ')
        if tx_next == "X" or tx_next == "x":
            finished = True
            print("Number of Signed Transactions Entered: " + str(len(tx_list)))

    # Create ordered random times at which to broadcast:
    start = datetime.now()
    min_delay = timedelta(minutes=2)
    min_time = start + min_delay

    user_input_minutes = int(input('Minutes: '))
    user_input_hours = int(input('Hours: '))
    user_input_days = int(input('Days: '))

    max_delay = timedelta(minutes=user_input_minutes, hours=user_input_hours, days=user_input_days)
    max_time = min_time + max_delay

    number_of_times = len(tx_list)
    max_duration = max_time - min_time

    for i in range(0, number_of_times):
        random_time = secrets.SystemRandom().uniform(0, 1) * max_duration
        time_list.append(min_time + random_time)


    # Print list of transactions & target broadcast times
    for i in range(0, len(tx_list)):
        print("Time: " + str(time_list[i]) + " | tx: " + str(tx_list[i]))


def push_tx(payload):
    requests.post('https://blockstream.info/testnet/api/tx', data=payload)
    print("############################# SENDING TRANSACTION #############################")
    print("Data Sent: " + str(payload))
    print("IP Address Used: " + str(get_current_ip()))

def process_tx(i):
    global next_broadcast_time

    renew_tor_ip()  # Renew tor IP address

    # Set broadcast values
    next_broadcast_tx = tx_list[i]
    next_broadcast_time = time_list[i]

    current_time = datetime.now()

    if current_time > next_broadcast_time:
        time_remaining = next_broadcast_time - next_broadcast_time
        time_remaining = next_broadcast_time - current_time

    push_time = datetime.now()

    return push_time

def process_all():
    for i in range(0, len(tx_list)):
        print("Transaction " + str(i+1) + " broadcast at " + str(process_tx(i)))
        print(str(len(tx_list)-i-1) + " Transactions Remaining")

def main():
    print("############################# TXCAST COMPLETE #############################")
